Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Year 5772: Ayin Bet

Sundown of September 29, 2011 will mark the turn of the New Year on the Hebrew calendar. According to Hebrew tradition, the earth is about to turn 5772 years old. The coming year 5772 will be known as the year ayin bet, or ’72, meaning “Jesus as Powerful Master of His Church.” The Hebrew alphabet doubles as numbers giving each character a numerical value.  Since each Hebrew character possesses a pictorial meaning as well, there are layers of richness to each letter/number.  Dates also paint a picture, revealing the Creator’s design for that particular year.

You may read more about the decade of Ayin (or the 70′s) here. My explanations for Ayin (70) andAyin Aleph (71) are also still available. Rather than taking the time to re-establish a foundation for biblical numerology, allow me to refer you to these prior posts for sound explanation. If you haven’t read them, please do so before continuing on.
Ayin signifies the number “70″ and bet the number ”2″.  Everything that was written about The year of ayin carries over from the prior two years and remains pertinent throughout the entire decade of the “5770′s” or in our western calendar, the “2010′s”.  Before we add the revelation to be gleaned from the number/letter bet, let us recap the meaning of ayin.
Every decade has an overarching theme.  Ayin “70″ possesses meaning that sets the stage for the entire decade.  2012 will be known as ayin bet, 2013 as ayin gimel, 2014 as ayin dalet and so forth.  The word “Ayin” means – eye; to see, and by extension, to understand and obey. It also means “Divine Providence”.  The ayin is described as having 2 eyes – the choice of using good or evil to perceive things – optimism or pessimism.  Ayin is a silent letter. (No translation of it in English) It sees, but does not speak; representing humility.  The name ayin can also mean “eye” or “fountain”, a fountain of wisdom and the ability to perceive wisdom.  There was much emphasis in 2010 or 5770 on the cultivation of prophetic insight.  Among those who grew in prophetic sight and utterance, some saw optimistically others pessimistically.  The eyes of the church began to be opened in 2010. In 2011, emphasis shifted to seeing Christ as our Ox of sacrifice. More revelation of His grace, (empowerment for service and the Christ life) entered the church. Christ, our aleph (or ox) of sacrifice, has replaced the yoke of bondage with His own yoke of grace. In this past year, the church has also experienced a revealing of leadership. In my prior forecast, I mentioned the spirit of Moses being transmitted to capable men.

The Spirit of God rested upon Moses and his seventy elders, resulting in “71″ clothed with the Spirit.  The saints have come to a place of separation unto God and maturation for leadership.  There will be a multiplication of the Spirit of God on others for the leadership of His people.
In retrospect, it would appear that shifts in the leadership structure of ministries have created opportunity for new growth this year. Some have stepped into newly created or vacated positions, revealing a new rank of matured sons and daughters. As before mentioned, each subsequent year in this decade will bring enlightenment to the eyes of the church in a new arena.  In the year 5772, the eyes will open to perceive the bet.
Bet is the Hebrew character for the number “2″. There are layers of revelation to unveil as we discover the rich biblical symbolism in bet. This number can be interpreted both positively or negatively (depending on the one interpreting). Those who proceed through this post with a carnal mindset will only see the potential for negativity. Those who are spiritually inclined will see great opportunity for growth and expansion. How you interpret this article will largely depend on your spiritual maturity.

Bet is a picture of a house with an open wall or window. The character brings with it the idea of one being “in” the house. Bet is used several times with the names of God, most notably with Jesus as ben elohim or the Son of God (Matt 16:16, John 6:69).  The character is also associated with the Hebrew word for heador chief. This would suggest there is a master of the house. Putting these few pieces together, we can gather than bet is a revelation of Jesus as Master and Indweller of His House.
In recent years, we have learned the church or bride of Christ is His dwelling place on earth. He no longer is confined to an earthly building. Christ now tabernacles within us. “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16. He has done so in recent years, largely without exerting His Lordship over us. This year, however, there will be a shaking. The ground will move beneath those who have resisted the Lordship of Christ and His sovereign rule over His church. Alignment will transpire, as the Lord mercifully exposes areas of resistance or rebellion in our own hearts. Things will get better, as we see and embrace Him as Lord. “Every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father,”Philippians 2:11.
A Revelation of the House
A three-fold revelation is coming in 5772 or 2012. As there are three vavs (or walls) on the bet (house), there will be three areas of revelation concerning the House of God. First, the House of God, itself, will be revealed. Many false houses have been built in the name of God. Some have taken pains to look and act legitimate, but have no signs attesting His presence. The first sign of a true house of God is manifest love. The Lord will not abide among those who detest one another or the lost. “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death,” 1 John 3:14. Any house that lacks the life of love cannot, by definition, be the House of God. Father seeks to lavish those who love, with miraculous signs of His dwelling. Note: Any ministry that carries a steady flow of signs, wonders and miracles, is fueled by the Spirit of love.
A Revelation of Who’s In the House
As bet carries the idea of being “in” the house, we will begin to see who among us is “in” the House of God. There will always be those who visit, and those dwell. Fear not if some fall away who have frequented your house of worship. It may not be that they have fallen away from faith. Father may be moving them to a new assignment. This is all part of the revealing of who is in the house. Remember in the coming days, Jesus is Master of His House. He may move whomever He desires.
A Revelation of Who’s Of the House
Among those in the house, not all are of the house. I have hosted a number of guests in my home over the years. Some of them have been friends, others family. But even among the relatives that have stayed with me, not all of them recognize or honor the way the Flores household operates. No matter how hard I try ;) I cannot force those who are not of my home to observe the way we do things. While they are welcome guests, we generally agree to gracefully overlook certain things for the sake of a pleasant visit. Things like leaving one’s shoes at the door, putting down the toilet seat (ick!), or even keeping daily hygiene are rules of the house. Guests, however, get a pass. While all are welcome in the house of God, not everyone in the house will be ofthe house. There is coming a revelation of those who are not willing to adopt the same spirit or mindset of the leadership of your spiritual home. Treat them lovingly as family or guests. Do not, however, expect to stake your future on them.
Jesus as Powerful Master of His Church
Whenever Jesus is made the Lord over his church, great miracles and demonstrations of His Lordship are revealed through her. This idea of the Lordship of Christ is integral to the demonstration of the victorious Christ life… the greater works… the miraculous. Jesus said in John 14:15, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” The bride of Christ will respond to His desires. His commands are merely expressions of His desires for His people. If we’re willing to surrender our lives to His Word, much power will be made available in the coming days.
The Mantle of Issachar
Recently, the Lord has quickened me numerous times with 1 Chronicles 12:32, “And the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.” In the days ahead, the sons of Issachar will need to arise for the benefit of the church, our communities and our nation. These will be sons of the house who have a grasp on what’s transpiring and how to transition. Perhaps you noticed in the above passage, the portion that is in bold print. “And all their brethren were at their commandment.” The sons of Issachar are unified in their approach. They are not fragmented, competitive, or critical of one another. Rather, they are bound together for a common advance. I believe the mantle of Issachar is available, now, to the church. The characteristics of this mantle are evident in Jacob’s blessing over his son, Issachar in Genesis 49:14-15.
“Issachar is a strong ass couching down between two burdens: And he saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant: and bowed his should to bear, and became a servant unto tribute.”
  1. Issachar is a strong ass. Issachar is a hard worker. Long hours or arduous labor does not threaten Issachar’s happiness.
  2. He is couching down between two burdens. Couching down means to relax or recline on all fours. Issachar relaxes, not in the stable… nor in the pasture, but right next to his burdens. This speaks of being ever mindful of the assignment on hand. In recent years, the people of the house have been mindful of everything but God’s house. Home, career, personal interests, etc… have taken preeminence over Kingdom priorities. Issachar, however, couches between two burdens. I feel these burdens represent (1) the individual life including family, career, and personal agendas. (2) the corporate life including God’s family, God’s house, and God’s agenda. Issachar shoulders both well, to his own benefit and happiness.
  3. And he saw that rest was good. Issachar knows how to work hard, but also how to rest well. Rest is best enjoyed after having exerted oneself. The lazy do not rest well.
  4. And the land was pleasant. He saw the value of his work. When we understand the value of what we’re doing, great pleasure comes in fulfilling our Kingdom assignment. The land also speaks of Issachar’s inheritance. The ground he worked was his for the taking, to inhabit and cultivate. His inheritance gave him pleasure and worth.
  5. He bowed his shoulder to bear. He willingly yielded his strength to the burden. He wasn’t whipped or beaten because he willfully chose to humble Himself to the cause.
  6. A servant unto tribute. Issachar was a servant who belonged to a Lord. Here, again is the theme of the Lordship of Christ being revealed.
Issachar’s name is directly translated “He will bring a reward” He is not used up and abused, but rather works for a reward of inheritance.
“For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God.” 1 Peter 4:17. Judgment is welcome. We need Father to differentiate between the false and true – between who’s in the house and of the house. The righteous have nothing to fear when their Master returns to hold His house accountable. There will be great rewards distributed among the faithful – along with attestations of Father’s pleasure and presence.  Choose to rejoice as the Master returns to set His house in order!

Source : Melissa Flores

Kehidupan Rajawali

Apakah ciri-ciri burung rajawali?
Ciri yang utama dan terutama yaitu tidak takut badai.
Burung rajawali malah menantikan datangnya badai. Dia akan mengembangkan sayapnya, memperhatikan dengan pandangan visinya, kapan badai datang. Sebab dia akan menghadapinya dan menggunakan badai itu untuk melambung tinggi. Burung rajawali tidak mengepak-ngepakkan sayapnya, tetapi dia mengembangkan sayapnya.

Burung rajawali tidak seperti ayam atau anak ayam. Ayam atau anak ayam penciumannya tajam, mereka tahu saat akan datang badai. Mereka ribut berkotek-kotek, menciap-ciap, bingung lari kesana kemari, sambil mengepak-ngepakkan sayapnya mencari tempat persembunyian untuk berlindung terhadap badai. Apabila badai datang mereka bisa menjadi korban, sebab mereka lemah, tak berdaya, dia menjadi victim badai. Lain dengan burung rajawali, dia tidak menjadi victim, tetapi menjadi victor, pemenang, terbang mengatasi badai.

Ciri apa lagi yang dimiliki burung rajawali?

Ia menyediakan waktu untuk memperbaharui diri. Saat sadar bahwa kekuatan sayapnya mulai berkurang, dia sabar. Dia berdiam diri ; dia tidak terbang. Dia mencari tempat yang tinggi di atas bukit batu.

Tahukah Anda bahwa burung rajawali adalah burung yang paling panjang usianya?
Seekor burung rajawali bisa mencapai umur hingga 70 tahun. Tapi untuk mencapai umur tersebut adalah sebuah pilihan bagi seekor rajawali, apakah dia ingin hidup sampai 70 tahun atau hanya sampai 40 tahun.
Ketika burung rajawali mencapai umur 40 tahun, maka untuk dapat hidup lebih panjang 30 tahun lagi, dia harus melewati transformasi tubuh yang sangat menyakitkan. Dan pada saat inilah seekor rajawali harus menentukan pilihan untuk melewati transformasi yang menyakitkan itu atau melewati sisa hidup yang tidak menyakitkan namun singkat menuju kematian.
Pada umur 40 tahun paruh rajawali sudah sangat bengkok dan panjang hingga mencapai lehernya sehingga ia akan kesulitan memakan. Dan cakar-cakarnya juga sudah tidak tajam. Selain itu bulu pada sayapnya sudah sangat tebal sehingga ia sulit untuk dapat terbang tinggi.
Bila seekor rajawali memutuskan untuk melewati transformasi tubuh yang menyakitkan tersebut, maka ia harus terbang mencari pegunungan yang tinggi kemudian membangun sarang di puncak gunung tersebut.
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Kemudian dia akan mematuk-matuk paruhnya pada bebatuan di gunung sehingga paruhnya lepas. Setelah beberapa lama paruh baru nya akan muncul, dan dengan menggunakan paruhnya yang baru itu ia akan mencabut kukunya satu persatu-satu dan menunggu hingga tumbuh kuku baru yang lebih tajam. Dan ketika kuku-kuku itu telah tumbuh ia akan mencabut bulu sayap nya hingga rontok semua dan menunggu bulu-bulu baru tumbuh pada sayapnya. Dan ketika semua itu sudah dilewati rajawali itu dapat terbang kembali dan menjalani kehidupan normalnya. Begitulah transformasi menyakitkan yang harus dilewati oleh seekor rajawali selama kurang lebih setengah tahun. tidak ada yang bisa mengabadikan transformasi rajawali karena ia pasti selama 6 bulan itu bersembunyi karena ia sedang dalam posisi yang lemah dan bahaya bila diketahui oleh para predator

1 lagi tambahan… Rajawali tahu tepatnya kapan ajalnya tiba… maka ia memiliki “upacara” tersendiri dalam menyerahkan dirinya kepada Yang Maha Kuasa… Ia mencari tempat di mana matahari terlihat paling bulat dan jelas… Yang pernah saya tahu ia pergi ke antara 2 gunung di alaska saat sore hari… lalu ia membentangkan sayapnya selebar-lebar nya lalu saat itulah akhir hidupnya…

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